Membership Expectations

About the Provisional Year

Active membership in the Junior League of DeKalb County begins with our Provisional course.  Each fall our Provisionals meet about once a month to learn about the League, our history, our governance and organization, and the positive impact we have on our community.  During this time, we also get to know you and how we can help you lead and serve in DeKalb County.  In addition, Provisionals participate in other activities that include community service, training, fund raising, team building and fun.

It is not necessary that you know someone in Junior League of DeKalb County or any Junior League to join.  As a member of the Junior League of DeKalb County, you will have the opportunity to form lasting relationships with other JLD women, develop your leadership skills, and positively impact our community.   We look forward to meeting you soon!

About Active Membership

Active Members are expected to participate in the following opportunities:

  • Attend General Membership Meetings that take place about once a month (typically on the 3rd Tuesday of the month); 
  • Participate in monthly Committee Meetings and be an active participant in their Committee Placement;
  • Complete at least 16 hours of Community Service each year;
  • Assist with Fundraising Events; 
  • Donate, sell, or raise $150 for the League (fundraising opportunities include selling poinsettias, GeorgiaGives Day, Little Black Dress Initiative, Change for Change, donating to the Annual Fund, obtaining sponsorships, and more)